Complain to the ASA about those misleading adverts that are appearing in the press.
Complain to your MP about the smoking of electronic and tobacco cigarettes in public places.
Complain about those adverts that are starting to appear on television - and also any tobacco product placement that you see.
Quitting smoking altogether is far far better than changing from one nicotine delivery system (such as tobacco cigerettes) to another nicotine delivery system (such as electronic cigerettes, e-cigarettes or other forms of nicotine replacement therapy); which may encourage tumour growth and harm unborn children. They serve only to maintain your nicotine dependency and that horrible feeling dependency and of being a slave to the nicotine habit.
If you really aren't concerned about your health and wish to continue smoking or you mistakenly think that you cannot stop smoking, just remember to Smoke Less - and also that you live in the Smokeless Society, so: "Don't smoke"; "Don't smoke in public" and "Don't encourage others to smoke".